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Restore and restore

Restorations or reconstructions of knives, cutting goods and hand tools are a particular specialty of mine that I particularly enjoy doing. Of course, the blades or similar should have been of high quality beforehand so that the restoration pays off. Bringing in and looking at it is really worth it, instead of junk my customers often had really good things ... but didn't know.  

+43 664 46 10 1 55

My restorations and repairs

Restauration originaler antiker Blankwaffen Messerschmiede Ebreichsdorf

Ich restauriere u. repariere originale, antike Blankwaffen oder Replikationen. Natürlich auch Erbstücke mit ideellem Wert. Antike Haushaltsgegenstände bzw. ziemlich alles Alte


Ich Restauriere Originale und Repliken

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